Friday, February 7, 2025

Kerala Vasthukala

It refers to an idea whose reign has come back to influence people’s actions just as powerfully as it once did ages ago in ancient India. In recent times Vaasthu Shastra has become a new age fad. For the uninitiated Vaastu Shastra manipulates geography, topography and environment to channel positive energies and prevent imbalance. As a science, it incorporates principles of architecture, sculpture and construction so as to capture all the positive effects of nature. Nature as we know, consists of five elements, viz, space, air, water and the earth. The ultimate aim of Vaastukala to use these recourses to construct a proper dwelling place that will determine the laws of peaceful co-existence
As mentioned earlier, this science had evolved over the centuries, as a result of man’s various trails to improve the slandered of living.This science date back from 6000 BC to 3000 BC. It was handed down to succeeding generations by word of month or through hand – written monographs. Keeping pace with the modern trends of development, the application of concept of Vaastu too, has changed. Vaastu has been laughed at, as another conman’s bread maker, but it is a science, as it is systematic based on observation, facts and experiments. It can be considered rational, as it is based on the laws of nature and it pertains to the geological condition. It has shown itself to be practicable, has survived to the test of time, is universal utilitarian and governed by a set of principles.
According to Vaasta, the entire universe exists in endless space, which has no such direction whatsoever. Our directions are defined with respect to the such,The four main primary cardinal directions are North, South, West, East. Apart from these are for intermediate spaces -north-cast, south-cast, north-west, and south-west
According to this science all the eight directions have their own respective influences on the human beings. These directions and the angles they make have major implications on the people. East is known as the paternal side. So try and make sure that some vacant space is left on the east side, else it’s believed that the male members shall die
South east -begets health.
South brings happiness, peace and prosperity.
South west is responsible for attitude and behavior .
West brings progress and pride.
North west – the inter – relationship, range from friendship to hostility.
North – national side. If it’s not kept vacant, it might spell death for the female members of the family.
North – east ensures continuity of lineage.

Viswakarma Vaastu Shastra
It’s considered to be an authorative text on Vaastu ,though the period of its development is still unknown. Apart from sculpture, it deals with the construction of building and religious architecture.
This treatise was presented in a simple and systematic manner and it was written by Varahamihira during the reign of the Guptas. It shows the differences in various types of buiulding ,measurement of floors and characteristics of the colors
Vaastu Shastra
It was written by Sukhananda Yathi in the 12th century A.D
Vishnu Dharmottara purana
This dates back to the 7th century A.D and it deals with the basic principles of Vaastu, painting and sculpture
Samarangana Suta Dharama
It was written by king bhoja in the 11th century A.D and deals with temple construction, idol fabrication, art and painting
Pramans manjari – Was written by Sutradhara Miaallu in 12 A.D
Jaya pratchs
It is considered to be the oldest treatise on Vaastu in S.India covering the techniques of construction for residential ballistic purposes
Shilpa Ratnam
This was inscribed on sculpture in 16 A.D
Vaastu Raja Vallabha
It was written by Mandana Sutradhari in 15 A.D
Vaasthu Today
Keeping pace with the modern trends of development, the application of the concept of Vaastu too, has changed. Earlier this science was applicable in terms of religious architecture, construction of royal palaces, memorials, mansions and magnificent edifices, studded with precious gems, pearls and diamonds with gold plated kiosks. In India, especially in Kerala, these monuments and religious abodes are protected as part of the rich cultural heritage
From the princely states, feudalism, to colonialism and then to freedom and democracy, the change had been accompanied by the changes in the socio-economic life, and in effect the royal mansions were replaced by the common dwellings. The modern Vaastu scientist looks into it with a scientific and modern perspective
With the disintegration of the joint family into nuclear family, most of the traditional houses like nalukettu and ettukettu were replaced by Concrete, Staccato, and Terrace buildings. And with the increasing emigrations from Gulf and other nations, the conventional terrace buildings are giving way to sophisticated multi-storeyed buildings, flats and apartments
As man evolved from a fictitious world to a complex and mechanical world, his aesthetic sensibilities depicted in the gorgeous structures have changed and is being replaced with scientific sophistication aimed at comfort coupled with utmost satisfaction of the increasing day-to-day needs to meet the challenges of globalization